If ground fighting was particularly valued then it is noticeably under-represented in the very historical examples we rely upon. This realization came to my attention when I recently tried to gather all the ground fighting images from the Fechtbuchs for a presentation to a MMA group, but I could only find a tiny few. In a real fight, a student who has trained ground fighting with striking for six months will almost always beat a person who has grappled for a year without adding strikes. In the street, the opponent will surely strike. If your primary goal is street self-defense, be sure to make ground fighting part of your practice. The beginning of MMA had all types of martial artists with different techniques and backgrounds fighting. Now it has more rules and weight divisions but is just as deadly in a street fight. MMA is great training for street fighting because it is a mixture of some of the top martial art techniques in the world.

Order the DVD and get two special reports on how professional fighters train and prepare for their fights!

My Mixed Martial Arts breaks new ground and is one of the best resources you can own if you train or fight MMA. In this DVD Denis Kang, a very successful jiu-jitsu fighter, breaks down the MMA game, showing you the most powerful and versatile techniques that win fights in the cage, in the ring or on the street.

Denis has radically adapted ‘traditional’ gi-based jiu-jitsu to work when punches and kicks are flying, and many of the techniques taught have never been shown on video before.In addition, Denis shows you the actual drills and training methods he uses to get ready for a fight. This DVD also includes live footage of Denis training and fighting, so you can see him using the material he teaches in this revolutionary video.

Denis has used everything he teaches here in a ring or cage. This information will help you establish a complete MMA game, showing you how to continually improve your position until you secure the submission or achieve the knockout!

Click the button to order the My Mixed Material Arts

“Denis Kang has an easy to follow style that will inform the neophyte and tighten the game of a seasoned fighter. There is a universal value to this product based deeply in its sound instruction and presentation…

The DVD is divided into three main sections, plus additional bonus features

1 – The Standup Game

“If you can control whether the fight stays standing or goes to the ground you’ve got half the fight won already”.
– Denis Kang discussing the importance of takedowns in MMA.


Many fighters have found out the hard way that taking an opponent down can be difficult, dangerous and tiring, especially if you also have to defend against strikes at the same time. Denis teaches devastatingly effective techniques to safely bring the fight down to the ground. The details shown, and the drills used to develop the takedowns, will bring a new confidence to your standup game. Find out what really works when the gi comes off and fighters start swinging for the fences.

Even if you practice Submission Grappling or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, these important MMA skills will greatly enhance your game! The takedown material covered will work whether your opponent is swinging for your head or circling you on the grappling mat. Learn how to do a professional takedown, from a professional. Also included on the DVD is the deadly “Anaconda choke”: Denis used it to choke Alexei Veselovzorov to submission in front of a home audience in Russia. In My Mixed Martial Arts Denis shows you the critical details that are often overlooked in this technique.

2 – The Bottom Game

See what makes MMA guard and half-guard techniques completely different from gi-oriented BJJ strategies and how to use this EFFECTIVELY to your opponent’s disadvantage. The absence of the gi, and the presence of punches, elbows and knees change everything. Knowing what to do when you are on the bottom and your opponent is raining down blows is a very important skill that EVERYONE should master. Even if you never want to step into the cage yourself these are techniques and details that could make the difference between winning a street fight and going to the hospital unconscious.

Many grapplers lack an overall strategy when they find themselves on the bottom in a fight. They try isolated techniques that don’t connect together in a meaningful way. In this section Denis gives you a coherent game plan to survive being on the bottom and then make life hell for your opponent with sweeps, submissions and reversals. Every technique sets up the other techniques, so that you always know what your next move should be. This section could add a whole new dimension to your guard game.

One of the secrets Denis reveals in this section is the never-before-taught ‘sitout’ series, an advanced strategy to get back up to your feet from the guard. Denis has used this series many times in actual MMA fights. For example, UFC veteran Andrei Semenov was powerless to stop Denis from repeatedly and effortlessly getting back to his feet, no matter how hard he tried try to hold him down. You will frustrate your training partners with these techniques, even if they know what you are trying to do – these techniques are that powerful.

3 – The Top Game

Passing the guard and maintaining the top position are critical fighting skills, but can be very difficult to do with a sweaty opponent who is intent on knocking you out with punches and kicks. Denis has defeated some of the best guards in MMA, and here he teaches you his easy-to-learn, but very difficult-to-counter, strategies. The technical details he shows make it very difficult for your opponent to counter your guard pass or to catch you in a sweep or submission.

Once you have fought your way past your opponent’s legs you want to make sure that you maintain and improve that top position. Denis has developed a unique system of maintaining the sidemount on a resisting opponent. This pinning system alternates between several crushing positions, which shut down your opponent’s choices while allowing you to attack effectively with punches, elbows, knees and submissions.

Striking someone when you are on top of them may seem obvious, but Denis takes it to a whole new level. He shows you how to set up submissions using strikes in every position. He teaches you how to punch effectively from the top position: one of the details shown should DOUBLE your striking power when in your opponent’s guard. These striking strategies can knock your opponent out very quickly, but they also force him to open up for submissions that end the fight just as decisively.

This DVD also contains the following extra features:

  • Out takes
  • Denis competing in Brazilian jiu-jitsu as a Blue Belt
  • Denis competing in submission grappling as a Purple Belt

Also if you order today you will receive two additional gifts

Your order confirmation page and confirmation email will contain links where you can download the two items and start reading them immediately!

1) Special Report: Anatomy of Training CampHow do Denis Kang and George St. Pierre train when they’re getting ready for a big fight? How do they balance MMA, Boxing, Jiu-jitsu, Wrestling, and Muay Thai training? Where does conditioning fit in?

Also find out how MMA coach Erik Paulson trains such fighters as Brock Lesnar, Ken Shamrock, Josh Barnet, Sean Sherk, and many more.


This is a fascinating insider look at the lifestyles and training regimes of professional MMA fighters, and is available only as part of this MMA Package.


2) Cutting Weight and Beating the Scale

Have you ever been beaten in a match by a person much bigger and stronger than you, who obviously cut weight to make his weight division. Or, even worse, have you failed to make weight at a tournament and got immediately disqualified? JC Santana from the Institute of Human Performance has worked with some of the best grapplers and fighters active today, and will teach you how to cut weight safely and effectively.

If you want to know exactly how cut weight for a competition, or even if you want to understand what a UFC fighter does before weigh ins, then this is the book that you need. Included is a special 7 day step-by-step weight cutting plan and an entire section on exactly what to do after the weigh in to recover in time for the competition.

Stephan Kesting says:

When Denis and I first talked about making this video he told me: “I want to show things I wish I’d known when I started fighting MMA”. When we actually started filming this video I found myself feeling worried that Denis’s secrets were now available to his future opponents. I actually asked him several times if he was sure that wanted to show certain critical techniques since he uses them all the time in his fights – what if his opponents find out? To Denis’s credit he wanted to show it all!

Denis has fought in events all over the world. Here are some of highlights from his career up to this point:

  • Denis is now signed to a four fight contract with the Ultimate Fighting Championships
  • In 2008 Denis knocked out UFC veteran Marvin “the Beastman” Eastman in less than one minute (using a technique he teaches in the My MMA DVD)!
  • Denis was undefeated for 23 fights in a row, an amazing record for someone fighting at his level of competition!
  • In 2006 Denis fought his way through the 16 of the toughest fighters in the world to make it into the finals of the Pride Welterweight Grand Prix (with an injured shoulder no less!)
  • Denis defeated Japanese Pancrase legend Minoru Suzuki in Japan after having only 5 previous MMA fights
  • He has fought UFC veteran Andrei Semenov twice. The first time resulted in a draw in front of a partisan Russian crowd.The second fight was in Japanese Pride, the biggest MMA event in world, where he defeated Semenov by unanimous judges decision.
  • More than 85% of his 31 victories come have come via submission or KO: only four have come from judges decisions.
  • Denis defeated 3 opponents in one evening to win the Spirit MC Grand Prix 8 man tournament in Korea. He armlocked his first opponent, choked the second, and knocked the third out with a massive knee to the head.
  • He earned the first black belt ever awarded by Professor Marcus Soares in North America – this took him 7 years of dedicated training.
  • Denis has been included in the prestigious ADCC top 10 MMA list more than 15 times. He has also been featured in many ADCC news items
  • He has also competed (and won) in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, submission grappling and kickboxing competitions.
  • His training methods were featured in Grappling Magazine (read article here)

DVD Features and Specifications

  • DVD Length: 72 Minutes
  • Region Free, to play on any DVD player
  • DVD duplicated by Sony, ensuring the highest quality of product
  • Fight and training footage is used to illustrate the techniques being taught
  • Two camera angles means that you won’t miss any details

Full DVD Menus and Chapters

As part of the Grapplearts commitment to quality we have included a full DVD menu with chapters for every section, allowing you to quickly access the exact section and techniques you need to improve your game.

Training Music

The soundtrack for portions of this DVD are from the CD “Planets” by the powerful California band Adema. Their drummer, Kris Kohls, even practices and competes in MMA and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. The two featured tracks, Into the Cage and Tornado, will get you psyched up to train!

“I’m very proud to have Denis as a friend and as a student. He was the first Black Belt I promoted outside of Brazil. His dedication and determination in training during our time together is the main reason he is in the ranks of the 10 best NHB fighters at 185lbs in the World. I’m sure this great instructional dvd will help improve your skills.”

Marcus Soares (7th degree BJJ Black Belt) – Carlson Gracie Team

“This DVD is a fascinating snapshot of a world-class fighter. Dennis does not hold back while covering MMA techniques from all major positions in great details. This are the same techniques that make him succeed in Pride FC!”

Mma Ground Fighting Techniques

Don Whitefield – West Coast Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Submission Fighting

“Denis Kang’s instructional DVD “My MMA” is another dynamite release from grapplearts.com. With a focus on Denis’ highly successful approach to MMA fighting, this is a video with tons of great information for both the MMA fighter and the ju-jitsiu practitioner looking to integrate MMA skills into their martial arts training. Denis is a clear and experienced instructor, who gets right to the heart of the techniques, while taking time to clearly explain the finer points.

His integrated approach to MMA – developed through years of competition and training with the world’s best Brazilian Ju-jitsiu, boxing, and wrestling coaches – is highlighted in this video. Denis provides information on takedowns and controls (like his innovative front-headlock use), MMA-tested submissions, and striking on the ground that you won’t find in any other single source.”

Bjorn Weeks – Longtime Martial Artist and BJJ Student

Special Report: Anatomy of an MMA Training Camp Ebook

SALE PRICING: Click the button to order this package

Stats indicate that the the greater part of MMA battles go to the ground at some point in time in the match. For this reason, its completely essential that professionals of the sport are proficient at defending and attacking whilst positioned on the ground. In the beginning for ground fighting, you will need to take your opponent to the ground. A few effective techniques like hip throws, leg trips and tackles can help accomplishing this.

To continually stay in a favorable position, you must always control your challenger. Ultimately, all you require to do is use the joint locks or chokes to finish your foe.

Brazilian Jujitsu

With Brazilian jujitsu you get an extra mechanical power to surrender your opponents when still on the floor. This type of fighting is credited largely to the Gracie family from Brazil, but actually has its roots in Japanese grappling martial arts. Jujitsu and judo have many tactics in common and because of this the contenders are moving over to MMA. In Brazilian jujitsu you can submit a contender using joint locks or chokes.

These methods can be delivered from a variety of postures, permitting a skilled specialist to be on the offense even when their back is on the ground and their opponent is on top of them.

Submission Wrestling

Submission wrestling is a commonly used term for representing jujitsu when the sport is practiced without a traditional uniform. It is a much favored style with MMA because of the attire that is alike the one permitted in MMA competitions.

Without having the long sleeves and pant legs of the gi, submission wrestlers must adapt their techniques so they can grapple devoid of holding on to their opponent’s clothes. Submission wrestling is also occasionally known as ‘catch wrestling’, which is a western style of grappling.

Mma Ground Fighting Techniques

About greco-Roman Wrestling

The Olympic sport of Greco-Roman wrestling has observed widespread adoption among MMA practitioners. Although, this kind of fighting is limited in the number of techniques involved, yet it educates one about defense as well as takedown expertise. Greco-Roman wrestling is yet another game form that demonstrates the way to grasp a hold of the competitor when you are in a clinch posture or in top position on the ground.

An MMA artist with competence over most of these techniques can control where the fight takes place, and often has the advantage during the match.


Sambo and Judo

Mma Ground Fighting Techniques For Beginners

Judo, incorporates leg trips and hip throws to get the other contender on ground. This form also gives you the option of employing chokes and joint locks to surrender an opponent. Judo is normally exercised with a gi, but has been successfully adapted for MMA by numerous famous practitioners.

Mma Ground Fighting Techniques Examples

Sambo is a Russian sport that doesn’t allow for chokes, but is popular for its use of joint locks, notably leg locks. Many fighters in Russia take advantage of sambo techniques while on the ground to complete a fight faster. There are a number of characteristics common in between sambo and MMA. Mixing up grappling and striking together, sambo is counted as an ideal form for the mastering the art of MMA.